

Building & strengthening the capacity of educators.

We offer leadership coaching and lead a variety of rigorous professional development sessions to develop the capacity of school leaders.

Concentric Home Visit Framework: School-Based Practices

This presentation centers on how the Home Visit Framework can be used to re-engage students who are at risk of becoming or are chronically absent, need to improve their academic performance, and/or exhibit behavioral concerns.

Organizational Readiness: The Art and Practices of a Learning Organization

Organizations who base their practices in learning produce extraordinary results, exhibit employee growth, and address organization-wide problems appropriately. This workshop covers the 5 Disciplines of a Learning Organization, the 7 Organizational Disabilities, and the Laws of the Learning Organization.

Cultural Proficiency: Why is it Necessary for Educators

This workshop addresses cultural relevance awareness, how our students identify, mistakes we make as educators, and strategies to become culturally proficient.

After the Home Visit: Next Steps for Student Support

During this workshop, participants will learn how to use the data collected during the home visit to monitor student performance and tier student support.

The End of the High School Pipeline

Students are entering higher learning institutions with unresolved issues that negatively impact their ability to be successful and graduate on time. Strategies are provided for assessing school culture to ensure that it is aligned with the school’s mission, vision, values, and goals while contributing to a positive impact on school climate.

Transforming School Culture 

This workshop covers how school culture develops over time and impacts the current climate. Strategies are provided for assessing school culture to ensure that it is aligned with the mission, vision, values and goals while contributing to a positive impact on school climate.

Student Support Teams: Building Healthy School Culture

This workshop covers how SST works to build a strong school culture, ensure the delivery of integrated student support services, and improve school safety.