

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) at Home Parent Support

Some Key Skills Include:

Self-awareness, recognizing feelings, and managing anger are all essential components of emotional wellness. Social Emotional Learning encapsulates prioritizing time effectively , developing positive relationships, and effective conflict resolution . When these skills are mastered by young people, they are more likely to flourish and succeed in life. They are able to build confidence and the skills necessary to balance school and home life.

The Role of Parents:

Family life is a child’s first classroom. Parents play an integral role in their children’s lives long before they can say their first word or take their first step. Children respond viscerally to the touch, tone, voice, and moods of their parents. This is the foundation of children learning about emotions and relationships. As students develop, they continue to observe and learn from their parents’ reactions to everyday challenges.

Key Points to Consider:

Children learn important life skills about emotions from their parents. When parents are intimidating, children may struggle to voice their feelings and emotions. Unchecked emotions can lead to dangerous at-risk behavior. Appropriate communication is necessary for children to become confident, caring, and capable young adults.